Comprehensive Critical Illness Insurance

Today, with the advancements of the world medical industry, serious illnesses can be detected early in a mild form, giving patients a chance to be treated successfully and increase their ability to recover. .

When suffering from Critical Illness, it is most important to ensure the financial resources necessary to pursue long-term treatment with the most advanced methods to provide the opportunity for rapid recovery. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that patients can be assured of treatment, not worrying about lost income sources, affecting their good future plans for themselves and their families.

Comprehensive Critical Illness Insurance will help customers overcome all difficulties and more peace of mind against risks Critical Illness with the best benefits.

Protects up to 88 critical illnesses
Protection of Critical Illness at various stages
The maximum benefit can be up to 200% of the Sum Assured
Provides long-term protection benefits

Insurance benefit Critical illness: The amount depends on the sum insured, depending on the insurance company. The sum assured of Comprehensive Critical Illness Insurance if the Insured Person is diagnosed with one of 35 Minor Critical Illnesses specified in the Product Terms and Conditions. This benefit will be paid for two Critical Illnesses belonging to different disease groups.

Critical Illness Critical Illness: Ordinary insurance companies will pay 100% of the Sum Assured Insurance premium if the Insured Person is diagnosed with one of 53 Critical Illnesses severely poor in accordance with the Product Rules and Terms. As soon as the Critical Illness benefit has been paid, this additional insurance product will cease to be effective.

Conditions for participation in comprehensive advanced disease insurance

The insured age: 01 – 60 years old
Contract term: 05 – 25 years
Maximum age at the end of contract: 70 years old

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