Restaurants eat as you like, pay as you like

MALAYSIA believer in Kuala Lumpur dreaming of a world without famine, should open a vegetarian buffet restaurant, guests are paid according to their ability.

Annalakshmi Riverside is located in Jalan Berhala, Little India Brickfields and serves Indian vegetarian food. In 1985, Swami Shantanand Saraswathi, a Hindu, wished to go to a world free of famine. After that, he opened a vegetarian restaurant, so that guests could come to eat and pay freely.

Since opening, the restaurant has quickly attracted the attention of many people. In 2005, Swami passed away, but his thoughts were still followed. Today in the restaurant, you can see his picture is hung solemnly on the wall.

The shop is open from Tuesday to Sunday, opening hours: 11h30-15h, 18h30-22h. Photo: D Kanyakumari.

The restaurant is currently run and serviced by volunteers. These people are all in the group led by Swami Chaianand. Swami Chaianand from India to Malaysia in the 1970s.

The restaurant's senior manager, Mohan Narayanan said that in the beginning, the culinary work was entirely done by grandmothers and mothers. The restaurant has no culinary expert, no chef and no recipe book. What sets them apart from other vegetarian restaurants is the love they have for making dishes.

The noodle shop asked customers to eat in silence

In Ichiran noodle shops, diners are not allowed to use the phone or talk while enjoying ramen.

Ichiran Ramen

You can find this noodle restaurant in Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the USA. Here, diners sit at separate tables, depending on the restaurant will have separate counters for 2-4 people or separate rooms for 3-9 people. This space is intended to separate diners completely from their surroundings, including waiters or chefs, so they only focus on enjoying the taste of ramen. The price for a tonkotsu ramen is $ 18.9, for children is $ 4.9.

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